Promoting Your Work
The internet, and social media in particular, offers countless opportunities to promote your own work. It is worthwhile spending a little time doing so, as you may be able to increase the readership of your work, while expanding your professional network, as well increasing the chance of your work making an impact within your subject area and beyond.
Tips to promote your work
- Deposit your work in the UWL Repository. The repository is well indexed and improves the chance of your work being discovered via search engines. The links are permanent and less likely to be 'broken' in a few years' time
- Share links to your work on social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin) using a link to an open access version of your work where possible to make sure those clicking the link can read the work
- Include a link to a new article/book in your signature. This takes very little effort, but means that whenever your email your colleagues or others, they can easily access and read your new work
- Follow up on any substantive mentions of your work on social media. Keeping a conversation going can help to produce downstream impact, especially if you're engaging with practitioners or professionals. You can use tools such as Altmetric Explorer to track mentions of your work
- Write a lay summary of your research to post on your personal webpage or blog, or introduce your work on relevant online discussion boards
- See if you can contribute to a group blog or write an article for a popular commentary site such as The Conversation
- Create and manage an ORCID and Google Scholar profile. This will allow you to keep all your publications together and encourage people to explore your other works if they find one article of yours. A Google Scholar account will also allow you to track citations of your work
- When writing your article/chapter/book: make sure your title includes keywords to improve its standing on search engines, and make sure these keywords are repeated in the abstract. If asked by a journal to provide keywords, do so. With books/book chapters, publishers will usually provide advice on this
- Create and use a Twitter account. This allows you to more easily engage with a wider network of academics, professionals, policy-makers and journalists
For further tips and advice please see the Library webpages and Research Libguide